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Your Loved Ones Are Still Here

I was out for my morning walk when this tiny little feather, no bigger than my fingernail, floated down from a tree, swaying gently back-and-forth in front of me. 

I immediately felt the presence and saw the beautiful smile of a friend who is no longer in her physical body. We connected and had some laughs. I asked her if she had any advice for me and she said No, she’s been enjoying watching my life and said I seem to be doing an awesome job.   A sliver of self doubt in the back of the mind came forward about something in my life, so I asked her “Am I going about this thing wrong?”   She piped up and said "Now that is something I will kick your butt about!  Doubting your own knowing?! Come on!" And we laughed some more.  OK, I got it!  I thanked her for the feather because I always start the day welcoming gifts, physical, and non-physical. It was a precious gift to connect with her and to still have our friendship growing and expanding.  She shared how special it is for her as well, to still be treated like a real "person", a friend, something that is very precious and rare here on Earth.  Unfortunately, most people don't allow friendships and the love to grow due to their beliefs.  But our loved ones are never gone.    

Energy never dies.  It can only change form, so obviously your loved ones never leave.  They just leave the body. The thing that makes it so difficult to connect is your own filters, beliefs, fears, and especially emotions. The emotions you still embody create a fog or a barrier to expanding beyond the physical realm and connecting to all of life, but that’s OK, you can start by simply talking to your loved ones at any time if you like.  Of course, you don't need to do this for them.  Only if you feel called to it and if you would enjoy it.  There is zero obligation, especially once someone is free of the human veils, they need or want nothing from you.  They often come to guide and assist you while you're still here in human form and they have the birdseye view.  Much of this support and the little signs come simply to remind you how loved and supported you are in life.     

Many people have asked me how can they know it’s not just the mind answering back when they start to connect with animals, plants, loved ones, angelic presences, etc. 

First, it is your intent and focus and knowing.  Don't allow doubt in.  Like the monks walking on hot coals, do you see how powerful your mind and intent is?   If you want clarity, don't allow any doubt to come in and create confusion.  

Second, if the message is judgy or harsh - it's your own mental filters (your own ego) or perhaps you're picking up on energies in the collective.  You choose to connect with the pure being, and no one else. And so it is.  

Third, The response will always be loving, supportive, humorous, uplifting, encouraging, etc.  or at a minimum it will be energy neutral.  Anything less than love is not to be taken as truth or valid.  It would be coming from your filters, the mass collective, call it the old energy matrix if you like.  

Fourth, It can be thoughts, conversations, images, feelings, knowings.  For me it started as full on conversations and feelings and eventually more images appeared and then it all blended together with knowing.  I'm still evolving, so it always changes.  Don't let anyone tell you how it should be.  Let yourself discover your own ways of communication.  It's unique for us all.  

Last, as you're connecting and the ego is wondering "am I just talking to myself"?  Yeah, so what if you are?  Technically, you're a facet of All That Is, of Creator, so everything is part of you.  I'm not you and you're not me, but we are NOT separate.  We are the same and different.  So, when I work with St. Germain, I see him as one of my higher states of consciousness.  He is a facet of me and I am a facet of him and we are both Creator.  During events, he will stream his consciousness through me at various times, and we will meld and become one for a few breaths.  I also feel this at times with people I work with individually.  This is normal - having the walls of separation up as most do on the planet is unnatural - just a temporary experience!  Like a dream :)

The main thing - Always choose love over fear.  You, the real YOU, and the real EVERYONE, would

never empower fear, hate, judgment or separation of any sort.  So whenever you're connecting to other forms, this is all you need to know to be certain the information is coming from the true being and not the mind/ego or outside interferences.  

This is a fun and heartwarming thing to play with if you truly want to open up, and connect to true creation beyond the filters of the mind.   Always treat it like any other relationship by connecting without expectations, without fear, without rules, just curiosity and interest. And for God sake, don’t make it so serious! Once your loved ones depart the physical body and remember who they are and that life is eternal, they are feeling more joyful than ever! They are excited to explore being free of a body and all the obligations that went with it.  I connect with many people after they leave their physical body who stay a bit distanced from family members simply because the gravity of old energy is so dense, heavy, harsh, sad, tight, and lacking joy.  It can slow down the transition process a bit, depending on the person.  They aren't abandoning their family members.  They'll reunite, in the blink of an eye, when the other person leaves the body.  Technically, the embodied family members sorta push them away, not intentionally, but because they insist that the person is gone!  Keep it light to connect. 

If you miss talking to someone, spending time with them, laughing with them, that's up to you.  Stay connected to those loved ones that you enjoy, because they are still here, and they're sending you messages, love and support all the time.  Namaste!


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