One of my favorite things to do for many years, was take my consciousness to the place I existed before I incarnated here. It’s a place with no thoughts, emotions, people, problems, worries, to-do lists. Pure awareness. Pure silence. I called it my nothingness place. I marinated here a lot to let all that human armor dissolve away.
One day, sitting in this place, I asked myself why am I going to go to Earth? There was only one answer.
Earth - the game of Love. The thing about any good game is, it’s filled with challenges, surprises, twists and turns, opponents, setbacks, huge wins & loads of excitement!
I originally thought life was about making money, having a family, and retiring, and hopefully having some enjoyment along the way. That can be part of life, but definitely not the point.
Unconditional love for yourself automatically changes your life. It then extends to others.
To love. That is the ultimate human experience.
You didn’t come here to seek love, you came here to BE love. You receive exactly what you give.
To be clear, this love can be described as unconditional acceptance, compassion, understanding. It starts at neutrality. It eventually blossoms into exuberance and joy and genuinely being excited to see everyone you know. It grows into loving people and being grateful for being alive and feeling this love in the cells of your body, sometimes overwhelmingly so! A constant wowwww of gratitude for humanity & Earth.
** For a reality check, in case you can or can’t relate… 20 years ago I went home from work quite often saying “God, I hate people!”
Living that way sucks. It sucks the life out of your body & sucks the joy from your life. It closes your heart and you can’t feel love.
In case you forgot the game you signed up for….
It’s all about the love
It starts with you. Now go love yourself!!! Namaste
