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Embody Your True Essence

You are the light of consciousness -  formless, timeless, nameless, boundless, whole

Take a deep breath


Feel your eternal presence

Your true essence is Love 

Everyday Life as Creator! 

Travel Companion

There are times in life when it can be REALLY helpful to have a travel companion!


My last decade+ was a whirlwind of challenge and miraculous change.  By 2012, I was practically taking every medication possible for stress, anxiety, depression, ADD, bipolar, plus physical diseases and ailments I'd been diagnosed with in my 20's and 30's.  With the mind and body breaking down, I was fairly certain my life was over!  


Here we are in 2024 and it's been well over a decade since I went off all the meds and treatments.  My body and mind are in a state of health and harmony that I never thought possible for me.  I'm almost 50 and I feel better than I did in my teens, 20's, 30's, so please throw out your beliefs about aging!  If you prioritize the connection to your eternal essence and your wellbeing, your life keeps unfolding into greater and greater states of enjoyment.  I don't think it ever ends, but I'm curious to find out! 

I owe this new sense of life, in great part, to having an amazing facilitator who walked side by side with me through the toughest moments.  The last several years, I've been honored and inspired to work with others and witness similar transformations.  It's one of my very favorite things to witness in life now - just how much joy and freedom we can absolutely claim and embody!  

Only you can walk your walk.  Your determination and commitment to Self is necessary, but the support of an embodied, experienced facilitator can expedite the transformation and lighten the load.  Everything I offer is from my own embodied experience of what has worked for me, in conjunction with the information I am receiving in the moment.  I'm not affiliated with any system or protocol.   See my sessions page for more details and reviews.  

Email with questions or to schedule a free consultation chat.  Scroll down to the bottom of this page for the email form.  

Check out all the private session options here.  Don't miss the great free stuff I offer on the Free Gifts Page and YouTube channel, like breath, movement and consciousness vids, relaxation audios, energy sessions… and more!

Live Events

The regular monthly events are designed to support your embodiment whether you could use some relaxation, reassurance, reminders, energetic support, or old fashioned fun!  It's always wonderful to connect and allow our hearts to open into more ease and joy.  Events are hosted on Zoom and recorded, so join us live or simply enjoy the replay at your leisure.  The full schedule is on the Events Page.

Breathe & Feel Webcast

Your true essence is love, let it come in and embrace you! 


Treat yourself to an hour of Relaxation and Integration.  Disengage from the outside world and linear mind.  Meld into your body and feel the embrace of YOU - your True Self, your Essence, Unconditional Love.  Deep seated emotions held in the body keep us from feeling our core essence, but it is always there.  Our combined presence and heartfelt intent allows for gentle yet profound energy shifts and experiences.


This is essentially an hour of energy work that we create together to clear out old energy, making more room for you to embody more fully and more clearly.  I will be guiding us through breath and body, beyond the busy mind, into presence, and into the unique topics that arise to support you, uniquely.  You can simply relax, breathe, and feel - resting in your expanded awareness!  The replays are a wonderful option to listen as many times as you'd like until the energies have finished integrating, even beyond the body and mind, but taking your knowing and open hearted presence into action, in everyday life.  That's where permanent change and incredible magic happens!  Enjoy your first call for FREE!  Enter code "BFREE" at checkout. 


 "I just wanted to say a huge heartfelt thank you for the Breathe and Feel yesterday. I replayed it again today and I am wowed by the effect and embracement of it yesterday and listening to the replay.  It feels like such a gift.  All the things that were touched on in the session are such a validation of my current situation of things that have presented and ways of moving along.  I appreciate with so much gratitude your honouring of what presents to speak about and your expression of it.  The session and recording have provided a very special experience, it is WOW for so many reasons.  Deepest gratitude and a big hug." ~AA

Everyday Mastery Events

Mastery never ends, it only grows and grows and grows 


Remembering our divinity and clearing out the old is just the beginning of awakening.  The clearer and lighter we become, the more we can play with multitudes of ways to dance with creation - to feel, sense, express and receive more fear-lessly and joy-fully, without a care in the world, but with tremendous appreciation for everything and everyone.  After all, so much of our mastery came through trial and error, to wake up from what was not our true nature, to wake up from the pain and suffering we created of separation.  It's even more fun now, when we go beyond what doesn't work, into what is more fun, deeply gratifying, and complimentary.  You can boil this all down to remembering the eternal LOVE you are.  

This in an interactive space where you can ask questions and together, we can dig into any situations that have been keeping you from feeling like your true self - clear, light, and divinely supported.


I'll share the information presenting for the group, which is always Universally applicable, yet unique and specific to each one.  Questions are so often asked for the collective, so if you have a question please don't hesitate to ask.  

Everyday Life as Creator


Family.  Friends.  Fun.  It's all about the love.  

We gather in presence and breathe ourselves wide open into the beautiful energies initiated and supported by St. Germain, Jesua and Mary Magdelene, and then simply allow our unique stories of wisdom, inspiration, and experience to spring forth.  


As we see through our Real-Eyes as Creator, the magnificence, perfection, and beauty in every experience is evident.  You can't help but feel gratitude and awe for this amazing human life.  


If you are called to connect with everyday folks that are walking the wild and mysterious path of remembering who we are, join me for a bit of sharing, camaraderie, and humor.  As we're open and receptive to the perspectives of others, we activate new potentials for dancing through our own everyday lives as Creator Consciousness, or unconditional love, in HuMan form.  Now we are letting life transform into more ease, more beauty, more fun, and most importantly, we know, feel, and are shown, with real life experiences, how loved and supported we truly are.  Bring your stories of insight, triumph, and magic, or if you're feeling a bit uninspired in the moment, you can sit back, breathe, feel, and enjoy.  It's about relaxing, having some fun, opening, and letting energy serve us with ease.  

Private Sessions

I am here to assist anyone facing a conflict, lack of clarity, or simply looking to speed up their own embodiment with ease.  I show up in full presence and provide energetic support and insight specifically tailored for you, to help gently dissolve old energies and patterns and bring your clarity and wisdom to the forefront.  I share practical tools for lasting alignment, integration, and expansion.  


Visit the sessions page for more details


"I found Cathy’s session to be powerful, gentle and validating. From my perspective, she emanates an integrated, radiant presence that is supportive and safe. Through dialogue and sensing she attuned to the reason for the session and offered many practical tools I could take away. During the session, her radiance, wisdom and ‘team’ helped me clear, dissolve and release a lot. I highly recommend her." ~MS

Image by Alex Bertha
Savasana Series

Relax and let energy work for you

Disengage from your worldly identifications to let the old thoughts, beliefs, and energies flow out of your reality with ease and simplicity.  Reclaim the energy you've given away to the outside world & embody more of your pure Source essence to rebalance your mind and body effortlessly.  It's as simple as putting on headphones and getting comfy.   Now offered for free on the Insight Timer App and the Free Gifts Page.   

Golden Light

"I want to let you know how much I appreciate these episodes and the ones previous. I have been listening to them daily and sometimes more than once.  I find there is so much “noise” that can separate me from my inner knowingness and then doubt creeps in. So these meditations help to break through this and those mind thoughts that I know are not the true me. I look forward to future episodes, and again, very much appreciate these."  ~KL


Here I AM!  

I have a professional photo that I almost posted here, but let's just be real!  


This is the authentic me.
Yah, my hair's messy, and I've got big headphones on, but I feel joyful.

My True Self doesn't care much about outside appearances because it's all about what's inside that counts.  I'm especially joyful because I'm not trying to be anything for anyone.  I just AM.

Nothing in this whole world is worth sacrificing my joy, but it wasn't always that way.  Today, I often feel bliss for no other reason than being.

I feel my eternal nature in a deep breath or a beautiful sunset.  If you want to know a bit more about my journey into the realization and embodiment of my Creator Consciousness, click below!   

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