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Energy work creates an open door for you to quantum leap with greater ease.  Your expansion is ultimately up to your own commitment to being true to yourself, but with the energy work we do together in the breathe and feel format, transformation is faster, easier, and lighter.  The old energies are leaving already, so this is a matter of acceleration and offering a quick hand up, into more vibrancy, without work.  


This is essentially an hour of energy work that we create together to clear out old energy, making more room for you. I will be guiding you through breath and body, beyond the busy mind, into presence, and into the unique topics that arise for you.  We are replacing the old energies with pure Source light, and this also creates a smoother pathway for integrating a new way of being, beyond old patterns.   


Nothing I offer or share comes from a modality.  It is a direct communion with your Creator Self and bringing through the highest vibratory frequencies that will support you, with no limits nor constraints, only what is divinely orchestrated by you, for you.


When you place your order, you can let me know if there's a certain topic you'd like to focus on (email, or use my contact form).  I will send you the downloadable recording when it's complete.



Personal Breathe & Feel Recording

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