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Relax, You're Consciousness

Consciousness is life. You are life. Being fully in your life, being fully you, is the ultimate abundance. There is no substitute for feeling your wholeness - deeply content and relaxed.

Don't give your life, your health, your abundance, your joy, your self away. Relax and live your life. It's not on a TV screen, and it's not tomorrow, and it's not yesterday. It's Now.

You created a physical reality to enjoy it, to connect with it, to feel it, to feel you, to create. You miss out on this beauty when you're energy is projected out of your body analyzing and prepping for tomorrow. You can't deeply feel your presence, your wholeness which is an absolute "All Is Well", when you're energy is scattered. You can't fully feel the joy and connection to all that is. I would call this much, much more tragic than anything happening in the world, because the only person you can be respnosible for, is you. If you want to feel exquisite love through the cells of your body, you absolutely can. I promise, you can feel this every day! But, you won't be able to feel it if you're still plugged into the past, future, or the mass collective - the old 3d matrix. This may sound selfish to some, being responsible for you, but embodying your true essence, that of love and peace, is the biggest blessing you can give to the world.

There's a lot of sensationalism happening right now in the media. It's designed to control your consciousness, to get your attention, to feed on your energy. If you've been sucked in to that big heavy cloud, you're energy is plugged into the media collective. It is draining your body of life force. It's aging you. It's making you feel smaller, more combative, more defensive, and more fearful, because you're literally giving your light away to an outside manipulation, rather than expanding it through your own body & life. Even if you have the most divine intent, you're feeding the frenzy of fear and separation. You may feel a sense of self importance, but is self importance the same as love? Does creator ever need to feel self important? Is everything not in divine hands?

This doesn't mean you can't watch, vote, or discuss the hot topics, but what does matter is that you are fully aware of the energy pull. The seduction. If you feel any push/pull, emotional energies, etc., can you just let them move through your awareness rather than engaging? Can you let it go just as easy as you can jump in and look at it?

If you've gotten into a situation where you've been giving your life force, lightness, joy and health away to this storm cloud - smile & laugh - it's okay! :) You can unplug & welcome back your energy.

The ego/mind won't like this. It will have arguments for you to stay involved because you're no longer feeling your Self. What you've been feeling as "yourself" is the collective, dualistic energy, which is always hungry for more. It's hungry for blame, battles, comparison, drama, and most of all making someone or something "wrong or right". All these collective thoughts have been coming into you, and through your unique and personal filters, so they have found ways to be deemed significant in your life. It's quite brilliant how this works, but a huge bummer to your inner state and your outside world. Life, true creation, is in a flow of continuous brilliant perfection when you're not vibrating with and as these low energies.

It takes extreme awareness and mastery to see through this once you've been hooked. The ego is expert at defending it's very existence, because it's all a facade - a bunch of beliefs from a bunch of Creators who have given their energy to it. This constructed self relies on your endorsement for life! It can feel the underlying emptiness and hollowness once you begin to question it, so it becomes panicked. The most dangerous person is the one who has nothing left to lose. Exactly! The ego literally goes "all in" and that's why awakening is the craziest experience ever. It will bring you to your knees and test every fiber of your Being. When you awaken, a civil war ensues within the constructs of the mind, but you hold the power to feed the war, or transcend it completely. No war is ever won. You end it. You simply walk on. You choose love. Go "All In" for YOU!

The ego hates to admit it's wrong, for that is the death of it. Once you see it, you can't unsee it, Once you realize (Real-eyes!) none of this is real, none of it is you, and it's all an energy game, you could never, ever, EVERRRRR..... give your power to it. That would be absurd! Completely self degrading - sacrificial - self sabotaging - harmful! But, if you're hooked, the ego will search every memory, every beleif, to reinforce its importance. This is exactly why it twists tiny little things into massive dramas. It's a drama queen and we've all been there.

Wherever you put your consciousness is the most important thing. Where you shine your awareness, life grows. As you stay in your heart, in silence, in essence, in your radiance, the light goes exactly where it's meant to go. Isn't that amazing? You don't even need to micromanage it! However, you can see how beneficial it is to turn your attention away from duality, from drama, from past/future, from things that aren't adding to your life. Let that stuff wilt and die off. Now, turn your gaze towards beauty. Towards something you would love to create, express, experience. Towards fun, joy, love, laughter. The future is only ever created right now. You shift focus and move in that direction and now the abundance of you, of life, is felt. You become so full, so light. You have no appetite for dramas and traumas.

When in doubt, remember this: Love unites. Fear divides. In the end is only Love, so relax, you're consciousness. And so is everyone else. Namaste ♥️✨


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